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9 Warning Signs You Need to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Modern air conditioners are designed to last for ten years, but age is not the only factor when it comes to their lifespan. Factors like normal wear and tear, certain environmental conditions, and inadequate maintenance can all cause your AC unit to fail before its full lifespan. When this happens, it may be time to consider replacing the system.

It can be tempting to put off replacing your air conditioner in hopes of a better functioning cooling system; however, this is usually not a good idea. Ignoring the signs that your AC unit needs replacing can lead to higher repair costs and energy bills. Furthermore, an outdated team will be less efficient than a modern one, costing you even more money in the long run. Paying attention to the signs of an aging AC unit and replacing it in a timely manner is the best way to make sure you save money on repairs and energy bills in the future.

Don't Let Your AC Ruin Your Mood: Spot the Signs That You Need a New System

It's not fun to come home to a hot and muggy house after a long day, but it can be especially frustrating when it's due to a faulty air conditioner. If your AC is too loud, not cooling your home, or displaying other signs of wear and tear, it might be time to replace your system. Here, we'll discuss the common signs that your current AC is on its last legs and you need to invest in a new system.

Age: If your Air Conditioning unit is reaching or has already surpassed the 10-year mark, it could be a sign that it is becoming worn and inefficient. It may be worth looking into getting a new AC unit, depending on the condition of yours. This is especially true if your unit has started experiencing a decrease in efficiency or has developed several technical issues. 

Noises: Replacing an AC unit can be a major expense, but it's worth it if it means avoiding the strange, disruptive noises the old unit may make. Clangs, screeches, and other strange noises can indicate a range of issues with the unit, from loose panels to components that need to be repaired or replaced. A new AC unit should run silently, with any noise it produces minimal.

Poor air flow: If there is little air flowing out of the vents when you turn on your air conditioner, it may be a sign that there is an issue with the system. A clogged air filter or a refrigerant leak could be causing poor airflow from your AC unit. It is important to have your AC system inspected if you believe there may be a problem so that it can be fixed properly and in a timely manner. 

Higher energy bills: If your energy bills have been steadily increasing, it could be a sign that your AC is no longer as efficient as it used to be. Factors such as age, improper maintenance, dirty air filters, refrigerant leaks, and damaged components can all contribute to an AC becoming inefficient. The best way to determine if this is the case and what needs to be done to improve the efficiency of your AC is by calling an HVAC technician.

Leaks: If your air conditioning unit is old and worn, it is more likely to have water leakage due to the various worn-out parts and seals. If you notice that your AC unit is frequently leaking water, it is a clear sign that it is time to replace it with a new unit. The worn-out parts and seals will cause water to leak more often, implying that the unit is near its end. 

Warm air: If you're starting to experience a lack of cool air, or if the air blowing out of your air conditioner's vents is warmer than expected, then it's time to start shopping for a new AC unit. If you're unsure, you can have a professional come out and inspect it to determine whether your current unit needs to be fixed or replaced entirely.

Bad odors: If your air conditioner is releasing musty or unusual smells, it's likely an indication that mold or mildew has been accumulating, so a replacement is needed. In some cases, mold and mildew could also create a damp feeling within your living space. Additionally, mold and mildew can present adverse health effects such as allergies, respiratory discomfort, and asthma.

Frequent repairs: If you're spending a lot of money every year repairing and maintaining your air conditioner, it is likely a more cost-effective move to invest in a new unit. Not only can you benefit from the latest energy-efficient technology, but you'll also save money on costly repair bills. What's more, a newer AC unit tends to run more efficiently, meaning you'll get better cooling performance, less noise, and long-term peace of mind.

Short cycling: Short cycling is when the AC unit turns on and off more frequently than what is normal for the unit. This type of cycling is inefficient as it does not complete the full cooling cycle and can lead to excessive energy consumption. Additionally, it can be an indication of bigger underlying issues such as an incorrectly sized air conditioner, airflow problems, or a failing component.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the signs that your AC unit may need to be replaced, as proper maintenance will not only improve the efficiency of your unit but also reduce your energy bills. This is especially important in warm climates, as the higher temperatures will put a greater strain on the unit. If you notice any of the signs your AC unit needs changing out listed in this blog post, make sure to contact a professional to assess the condition of the unit and determine the best course of action.

Ease Into Efficient Home Comfort with AirBoss in Rockport, TX

At AirBoss you can find the best possible solutions and services for your furnace or air conditioning changeouts in Rockport, TX. We understand the importance of efficient, comfortable home cooling and heating, so we provide the most reliable, affordable options available. With our professional technicians, you can rest assured that any changeout project with us will be done with ease and quality craftsmanship. 

We also provide free estimates during your initial visit so you know exactly what you're getting into. AirBoss has been helping hundreds of satisfied customers in the surrounding area, and we can make sure your furnace or AC system is running up to peak performance. Call us today at
361-851-4444 and let us handle your changeouts with ease.

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